Monday, June 17, 2013

Weekend Update

We're back to Monday again!

I had quite a busy week last week and never got around to posting the recap of the rest of my trip! I had my first blogger date with Jess on Wednesday and I'd say it was a success (hint: we stayed for 3 hours)! We took our 17 interns to Happy Hour on Thursday, which turned into staying downtown until 1 am. So I'm really just making excuses but I was freakin' exhausted by the time Friday rolled around!

I had promised my bestie Rachel that I'd visit her in Charleston, so I left work early for an afternoon nap and then I was on the road!

I didn't take the million pictures that I typically would - we had a pretty low-key weekend. She just finished her 3rd (!!!!) year of medical school, so we went out with her classmates at The Crafstmen Taphouse Friday night to celebrate. Saturday started with brunch at Three Little Birds and then we spent the rest of the day at the pool. We had an amazing dinner at Leaf and then were home early with a movie, ice cream, and wine!

I headed back Sunday just in time to hit the pool for an hour or so before I met my parents for dinner at Soby's for Father's Day dinner!

Overall, an extremely successful weekend filled with best friends, sun, naps, and family!

Sami's Shenanigans

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