But I made an effort the past week to get into the holiday spirit. I took an afternoon off to do all my Christmas shopping and wrapping, I finally got the tree decorated, I attended my work Christmas party and a holiday party for United Way, and now I'm feeling significantly more festive than before.
1. The United Way holiday party, where I bought shoes for a child in need
2. My lovely roomie and I before our office Christmas party
3. One of my clients sent me a GIANT container of pecans. Time to start baking!
4. Some of my favorite girls getting our hair blown out before the Christmas party
5. A delicious festive cocktail (recipe below)
6. Lauren, Holly, and me at the party
7. Our cute little baby Christmas tree
8. My dear friend Whitney turned 30 the night of the Christmas party, and we celebrated in style (and also met Floyd Mayweather at Waffle House at 3 am!)
9. Stovetop potpourri - if it smells like Christmas, we're halfway there!
Cider Pomegranate Smash
from Clara Persis
2.5 oz bourbon
1 tsp lemon juice
6 oz sparkling apple pomegranate cider (Martinelli’s make this)
1/2 tablespoon pomegranate seeds
Fill a tall thin (or short and wide) cocktail glass with ice. Pour in the bourbon and stir to chill. Pour in the lemon juice and sparkling apple pomegranate cider and stir well to combine. Top with fresh pomegranate seeds. Serve immediately.
Stovetop Potpourri
Slice an orange or two, throw in a cup of fresh cranberries, as many cinnamon sticks as your heart desires, and a dash of cloves, cover with water, and simmer on the stove to fill your home with the smells of Christmas. Enjoy!